The PASS provides your field teams with maximum autonomy, enabling them to diagnose and resolve issues, access technical documentation, and, if necessary, contact your experts.
Your Assistance Path (PASS) offers great flexibility to personalize your customers' experience. You can configure the questions, steps, and choices your customers must make to connect them with the most relevant expert.
Allow your customers to describe their problem in detail.
Receive diagnosed support requests, and distribute them to your experts.
Qualify the problem encountered by guiding your customer with a choice of answers.
Measure the satisfaction of your customers (NPS) after their interaction with the PASS.
Once the problem is diagnosed, your contact person receives the corresponding documentation.
Place them on your machines or in factories, it's a quick and easy way for your customers to access documentation or get in touch with experts.
Create customized paths for different customer types or products.
Integrate the PASS into your CRM or your knowledge base.
Analyze the data collected to improve the effectiveness of your customer support.
Reduction of after-sales service costs
Increased first call resolution rate
Of improvement customer satisfaction
Kolus integrates with market-leading CRM, CMMS and ERP solutions for centralized management of your data and better collaboration between your teams.
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Video assistance that simplifies your customer service. Intuitive, adaptable and scalable.